All games from the golden age of arcade
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Cabinet Name Status Year Manufacturer ROM
Astro Wars preliminar 1980 Zaccaria astrowar
Attack preliminar 1980 Playmatic attack
Attack Ufo good 1980 Ryoto Electric Co. attckufo
Balloon Bomber imperfect 1980 Taito ballbomb
Bandido good 1980 Nintendo (Exidy license) bandido
Berzerk (set 1) good 1980 Stern Electronics berzerk
Berzerk (set 2) good 1980 Stern Electronics berzerk1
Berzerk (German Speech) good 1980 Stern Electronics berzerkg
Big Game preliminar 1980 Stern biggame
Black Knight (L-4, French speech) preliminar 1980 Williams bk_f4
Black Knight (L-3) preliminar 1980 Williams bk_l3
Black Knight (L-4) preliminar 1980 Williams bk_l4
Black Fever preliminar 1980 Playmatic blkfever
Bradley Trainer good 1980 Atari bradley
Buck Rogers preliminar 1980 Gottlieb buckrgrs
Battle Zone (set 1) good 1980 Atari bzone
Battle Zone (set 2) good 1980 Atari bzone2
Battle Zone (cocktail) good 1980 Atari bzonec
Carnival (upright) imperfect 1980 Sega carnival
Carnival (cocktail) imperfect 1980 Sega carnivalc
Carnival (Head On hardware, set 1) imperfect 1980 Sega carnivalh
Carnival (Head On hardware, set 2) imperfect 1980 Sega carnivalha
Caterpillar good 1980 bootleg caterplr
Crazy Climber (bootleg set 1) good 1980 bootleg ccboot
Crazy Climber (bootleg set 2) good 1980 bootleg ccboot2
Crazy Climber (US) good 1980 Nichibutsu cclimber
Crazy Climber (Japan) good 1980 Nichibutsu cclimberj
Centipede (bootleg) good 1980 bootleg centipdb
Centipede Dux (hack) good 1980 hack centipdd
Centipede (revision 3) good 1980 Atari centiped
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