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Cabinet Name Status Year Manufacturer ROM
The Shadow (LX-5) preliminar 1995 Bally ts_lx5
The Shadow (PA-1) preliminar 1994 Bally ts_pa1
T.T Mahjong good 1981 Taito ttmahjng
Ticket Tac Toe (1.0) preliminar 1996 Williams ttt_10
Tough Turf (set 2, Japan, 8751 317-0104) preliminar 1989 Sega / Sunsoft tturf
Tough Turf (bootleg) preliminar 1989 bootleg (Datsu) tturfbl
Tough Turf (set 1, US, 8751 317-0099) good 1989 Sega / Sunsoft tturfu
Tube-It good 1993 Taito Corporation tubeit
Tube Panic good 1984 Nichibutsu / Fujitek tubep
Tube Panic (bootleg) good 1984 bootleg tubepb
Tugboat imperfect 1982 Enter-Tech, Ltd. tugboat
Tumble Pop (bootleg set 1) imperfect 1991 bootleg tumbleb
Tumble Pop (bootleg set 2) imperfect 1991 bootleg tumbleb2
Tumble Pop (World) good 1991 Data East Corporation tumblep
Tumble Pop (Japan) good 1991 Data East Corporation tumblepj
Tunnel Hunt good 1979 Atari tunhunt
Tunnel Hunt (Centuri) good 1981 Atari (Centuri license) tunhuntc
Turbo imperfect 1981 Sega turbo
Turbo (encrypted set 1) imperfect 1981 Sega turboa
Turbo (encrypted set 2) imperfect 1981 Sega turbob
Turbo Force (old revision) good 1991 Video System Co. turbofrc
Turbo Sub (prototype rev. TSCA) good 1985 Entertainment Sciences turbosub
Turbo Sub (prototype rev. TSC6) good 1985 Entertainment Sciences turbosub6
Turbo Sub (prototype rev. TSC7) good 1985 Entertainment Sciences turbosub7
Turbo Tag (prototype) good 1985 Bally Midway turbotag
Neo Turf Masters / Big Tournament Golf good 1996 Nazca turfmast
Turkey Hunting USA V1.0 imperfect 2001 Sammy USA Corporation turkhunt
Turpin good 1981 Konami (Sega license) turpin
Turpin (bootleg on Scramble hardware) preliminar 1981 bootleg turpins
Turret Tower preliminar 2001 Dell Electronics (Namco license) turrett