| BeatHead (prototype) | 1993 | Atari Games | beathead | Misc. | 2.87 |
 | Bubbles | 1982 | Williams | bubbles | Misc. | 8.23 |
 | Bubbles (prototype version) (clone of: bubbles) | 1982 | Williams | bubblesp | Misc. | 0.00 |
 | Bubbles (Solid Red label) (clone of: bubbles) | 1982 | Williams | bubblesr | Misc. | 0.00 |
 | Butasan - Pig's & Bomber's (Japan, English) | 1987 | NMK (Jaleco license) | butasan | Misc. | 7.95 |
 | Cannonball (Atari, prototype) | 1976 | Atari | cball | Misc. | 7.27 |
 | Discs of Tron (Environmental) (clone of: dotron) | 1983 | Bally Midway | dotrone | Misc. | 0.00 |
 | Discs of Tron (Upright alternate) (clone of: dotron) | 1983 | Bally Midway | dotrona | Misc. | 0.00 |
 | Discs of Tron (Upright) | 1983 | Bally Midway | dotron | Misc. | 3.41 |
 | Diver Boy | 1992 | Electronic Devices Italy | diverboy | Misc. | 10.00 |
 | Domino Man | 1982 | Bally Midway | domino | Misc. | 10.00 |
 | Dyno Bop | 1990 | Grand Products/Incredible Technologies | dynobop | Misc. | 0.00 |
 | Ejihon Tantei Jimusyo (J 950613 V1.000) | 1995 | Sega | ejihon | Misc. | 4.00 |
 | Fantasy (Japan) (clone of: fantasy) (sample of: fantasy) | 1981 | SNK | fantasyj | Misc. | 0.00 |
 | Fantasy (US) (clone of: fantasy) (sample of: fantasy) | 1981 | SNK (Rock-Ola license) | fantasyu | Misc. | 0.00 |
 | Fantasy (World) (sample of: fantasy) | 1981 | SNK | fantasy | Misc. | 7.67 |
 | Frogs (sample of: frogs) | 1978 | Gremlin | frogs | Misc. | 4.50 |
 | Gladiator 1984 | 1984 | SNK | sgladiat | Misc. | 6.00 |
 | Golgo 13 (Japan, GLG1/VER.A) | 1999 | Eighting / Raizing / Namco | golgo13 | Misc. | 7.50 |
 | Kaitei Takara Sagashi | 1980 | K.K. Tokki | kaitei | Misc. | 2.50 |